Cashew intake has a cholesterol-lowering effect. In addition, cashew also has a positive effects on oxidative stress, inflamation reactivity

Cashew intake has a cholesterol-lowering effect. In addition, cashew also has a positive effects on oxidative stress, inflamation reactivity.

Recent research has suggested that eating cashews can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and tend to decrease risk of heart disease. Research has also shown that cashews, like almonds, can promote weight management by avoiding overeating and reducing appetite. Some of the other benefits of cashews include protecting skin from outdoor elements, such as UV rays. Lastly, studies have shown that cashew intake may have protective effects on antioxidants in our bodies and increased nutrients like potassium.

Cashews have been linked to several health benefits. There is a strong evidence base linking cashews to lower cholesterol, specifically LDL cholesterol, and it has a positive effect on oxidative stress, inflammation and weight management. Some of the other benefits include healthy skin-effects such as reducing wrinkles and reducing damage caused by ultraviolet rays. The nutrients in cashews also help keep our bodies running smoothly, especially if you are looking for weight loss options.

The intake of cashews have shown to raise HDL (high-density lipoprotein) levels, which is the “good” cholesterol that helps protect cholesterol from being absorbed into the body and does not result in heart disease or stroke